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Welcome to DataEthics4All – Home for All Ethics 1st Tech Champions creating a better Data and AI World Together!! Thank you for joining us.

Our Mission.

The Mission of DataEthics4All Foundation, a Public Benefit Corporation and a Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Certifying Organization is to raise awareness on the ethical use of the entire end to end data pipeline including AI, Break Barriers of Entry in Tech for People of Color, Girls and Women and Raise the next generation of Ethics 1st Tech Champions.


Our National Nonprofit 501(c)(3), DataEthics4All provides Scholarships to economically disadvantaged students to attend our STEAM in AI College Prep Program, STEAM in AI College Success Program for FREE, stipends for Internships and our AI DIET Returnship for Women+ Program – all through the generous contributions of our Individual Donors, Corporate Donors, Foundational Grants and Gift Matching.


Our Story and Our Impact


Table of Contents

Our Impact.


Community members of DataEthics4All
Age diversity in DataEthics4All
Impact countries of DataEthics4All
Display insights about DataEthics4All audience
Display number of volunteers in DataEthics4All
Display number of Internships in DataEthics4All
Display number of students in Data Ethics Institute
Display number of schools working with DataEthics4All
Display number of courses provided by Data Ethics Institute
Display number of events hosted by DataEthics4All
Display number of PSVA awards

Presidential Volunteer Service Awards

DataEthics4All AI Products

AI Society



first independent data ethics advisory council icon

1st Independent Data Ethics Advisory Council

Data Ethics Advisory Council

The Advisory Council

first independent data ethics advisory council DE4A

World’s 1st Independent (no Fiduciary Responsibility) Advisory Council on Data Ethics to create awareness on the ethical use of the entire data pipeline.

Advisory Council DataEthics4All

13 Global CXOs from Fortune 500 to Nonprofits including Chief Privacy Officer, Chief Data Officer, Chief Ethics Officer, Chief Policy Officer

Founder and CEO, DataEthics4All Foundation

I started DataEthics4All to raise awareness on the Ethical use of Data, build the next generation of inclusive AI and be a Catalyst in building a more Equitable, Inclusive, Culture Rich, Just and Ethical Society.


Shilpi Agarwal

Founder and Chief Data Ethics Officer, DataEthics4All

Chief Data Officer, TD Ameritrade

Anything valuable to society can be used for good and evil. This includes Artificial Intelligence. We must bring awareness to everyone of the benefits of this Technology and harness this awareness to magnify benefits to all, equally. And that is why I am an advisor to DataEthics4All.


Keyur Desai

Chief Data Officer, TD Ameritrade

Data Protection Officer, Lidl US

Privacy is the challenge of our time, and we have the momentum behind us now to get this right once and for all. The need for change is clear, however the path remains uncharted. DataEthics4All is working to change that.


Joe O’Murchadha

Data Protection Officer, Lidl US

Data Ethics Leadership Council

Data Ethics Leadership Council

DataEthics Leadership Council

The Leadership Council

DataEthics4All Leadrship Council

The Brains & Task Force Behind All of Our Programs

DataEthics Leadership Council Internships

Supervisors to Our Interns

The DataEthics4All Leadership Council is our Idea Factory and the backbone of our Organization.


Shilpi Agarwal

Founder, DataEthics4All

Volunteer Member, DataEthics4All Leadership Council

DataEthics4All has given me the rare opportunity to personally connect with like-minded, ethical, data practitioners all across the globe and add them to my professional network.


Kevin Rose Dias

Volunteer Member, DataEthics4All Leadership Council

Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

DataEthics4All’s mission statement is to build inclusive AI and a just ethical society. My mission is to play a role in developing Technology that benefits, represents and uplifts all. DataEthics4All’s values align with mine, and that is why I joined forces with them.


Susanna Raj

Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

I joined DataEthics4All because I want to empower disadvantaged and marginalised communities in the field of AI and DataEthics.


Sam Wigglesworth

Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

first independent data ethics advisory council icon


AI Youth Council

AI Youth Council Highlights

Network in Pet4Youth DataEthics4All

Started Free STEM Tutoring Club

Designed Courses by AI Youth Council

Designed 3 Intro Coures to Data, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

Designed Courses by AI Youth Council

Designed and Taught hands on Data and Design Workshops for Peers

DataEthics4All Pet4youth course series skills

Active Think Tank members participating in mixed age discussions regarding important current topics in our Town Halls and Summit

AI Youth Council HighSchool Leaders DataEthics4All

Determined to Lead & to Create More Ethics First Leaders

AI Youth Council DataEthics4All Branding

70+ active Youth Volunteers

AI Youth Council Presidential Volunteer Service Awards

Earned Presidential Volunteer Service Awards & DataEthics4All Volunteer Appreciation Award for their Community Service

President, DataEthics4All AI Youth Council

What drives me to volunteer for DataEthics4All is putting forth and advocating for the proper and fair use of data, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence.


Ronak Agarwal

President, DataEthics4All AI Youth Council

Vice President, DataEthics4All AI Youth Council

There’s not many opportunities for the youth to have a voice and also be heard, but I am glad in DataEthics4All I am able to have both.


Sara Ghorbani

Vice President, DataEthics4All AI Youth Council

Youth Empowerment.

Be the constant in a Student’s life by donating to our FREE STEM Tutoring program that provides Leadership Opportunities, Free Homework help, Mentoring, Career Guidance and Career Technical Education (CTE) to uplift economically disadvantaged students and support our Pledge to help 5 Million Students in 5 Years!

DataEthics4All Pet4youth peer to peer course

1st Peer to Peer Course Series

Fully designed by high school  leaders of our AI Youth Council

By Youth, For Youth


PET4Youth Intro to Data & AI

Introduction to Data & AI

PET4Youth Bias in Data Course

Bias in Data

Pet4Youth Tech Impact on Youth

Tech Impact on Youth


certificate for Pet4youth course series

Pet4Youth Certificate of completion

DataEthics4All Pet4youth course series skills

Master skills in Data Science, AI & Data Ethics

Network in Pet4Youth DataEthics4All

Network with young AI enthusiasts


DataEthics4All Community
Community members of DataEthics4All

Membership Diversity

DataEthics4All Membership Diversity check points

1000 Global Leaders at the intersection of Data, Technology, Ethics, Policy & Social Impact

DataEthics4All Membership Diversity check points

Inclusive of all ages from 11 to 80 years old

DataEthics4All Membership Diversity check points

Inclusive of all Geo locations. Today, we have member representation from 54 countries out of 197 countries in the world

DataEthics4All Membership Diversity check points

Inclusive of all skills ranging from middle school students to C-Suite Executives

DataEthics4All Membership Diversity check points

Truly Inclusive and Cognitive Diverse in every way: Geolocation, Gender, Age, Social Economic Background, Profession, Skill, Title

Professionals with Top 5 functions:

1. Engineering
2. Business Development
3. Information Technology
4. Research
5. Operations

Top 5 Job Functions

Top 5 Industries

A wide range of companies & professionals, with the Top 5 industries:

1. Information Technology & Services
2. Computer Software
3. Higher Education
4. Internet
5. Financial Services

Professionals from different career seniority levels:

1. Senior
2. Entry Level
3. Director
4. Training
5. Manager

Top 5 Seniority Levels

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Bill Schmarzo DataEthics4All Think Tank Testimonial
Ankit Jain DataEthics4All Think Tank Testimonial


Oxford University Partner

Oxford partnership with DE4A
Oxford University Internship Office
Joseph Geldman Oxford Intern

It has been rewarding to be part of an organisation which is so clearly committed to aspirational change in the world. I have particularly enjoyed working with DataEthics4All and with Shilpi Agarwal during the course of my internship. I would wholeheartedly recommend her as a mentor and as a business associate.


Joseph Geldman

DataEthics4All Summer Intern, Msc at Oxford University.

Yonatan Genende Oxford Inter

The DataEthics4All (micro)internship deepened and expanded my understanding of issues in AI and data ethics, exposed me to the fascinating and diverse DE4A community of experts, and gave me the chance to develop my skills in content management.


Yonatan Genende

DataEthics4All Micro Summer Intern, MPhil at Oxford University.

Our Interns

DataEthics4All Intern 2021

Interning with DataEthics4All was a very insightful experience. I learned a lot not only about Data Storytelling but also about ethical data use, fair data processing and inclusive AI. I’ve had the honor to work with inspiring members of the Leadership Council and to learn from them. I want to thank Shilpi Agarwal for believing in me and trusting me with DataEthics4All’s mission.


Sarra Hannachi

MSc student in Business Analytics, Tunis Business School, University of Tunis.

DataEthics4All Intern 2021

DataEthics4All has been a monumental help in my personal growth and has given countless opportunities that I could take advantage of. Working alongside Kevin Dias and Shilpi Agarwal helping advance our AI Society, I have gained essential leadership skills and learned new useful tools. Overall, this internship was not only a great learning experience but also rewarding as I received the PVSA Silver Award.


Devon Thomas

High School Senior.

AI Society.

Community DataEthics4All


AI Society

AI Society DataEthics4All

There are a lot of awesome websites that list AI Resources and these are great and very much needed but none that give Reviews and Ratings for someone to evaluate whether it is worth their Company’s time and resources to adopt and implement them as a Framework or a Solution. DataEthics4All wanted to give Companies a way to look at AI products, platforms, tools, solutions, toolkits, frameworks, etc, learn from the ratings and see whether it would be worth their Company’s time and resources to invest in it. An Amazon equivalent exclusively for AI Solutions. Our AI Society not only hopes to provide ratings about price, ease of use and customer service but would also like to add ratings for ethics, privacy and trust to help informed Customers see whether a Company uses data and has built a solution keeping Ethics by Design at the forefront.


Shilpi Agarwal

Founder, DataEthics4All

AI Society Highlights

User Review AI Society DataEthics4All

First Directory of AI Solutions that provides User Ratings

User Review AI Society DataEthics4All

First Directory that wants to give Customers a choice of rating AI Solutions not just by Price, Ease of Use, Features and Customer Service but also for Ethics, Privacy and Trust

User Review AI Society DataEthics4All

First Directory that aims to inform Customers by rating Companies and celebrates AI Solutions built with Ethics by Design in the forefront

User Review AI Society DataEthics4All

We’re launching our AI Society with 100 AI Solutions and they’re now open for Customer Reviews

AI DIET Champions.

Display number of PSVA awards


Top 100 DIET Champions

AI DIET Champion

AI DIET Champion

A DIET Champion is someone who has demonstrated exemplary work in one or more fields of Data and Diversity, Inclusion and Impact, Ethics and Equity in Teams and Technology. We wanted to celebrate people who’re Trailblazers in these fields and inspire others to do the same.

Meet Our Champions

Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All
Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Top 100 DIET Champions List

AI DIET Champion

First List that celebrates leaders inclusive of all genders, race, social economic backgrounds and ethnicities.

AI DIET Champion

First List that recognizes leaders doing exceptional work through many different lenses and celebrates cognitive diversity.


AI DIET Magazine.

DataEthics4All AI DIET Magazine




AI DIET Magazine

AI Magazine AI Data Science Landscape

First Magazine designed not just to inform readers on the AI / ML and Data Science landscape but to provide a holistic view on the topic from the cognitive lenses of DIET: Data & Diversity, Inclusion & Impact, Ethics & Equity, Teams & Technology.


DataEthics4All Foundation is a President's Volunteer Service Award Certifying Organization

Our 1st Annual Volunteer Appreciation and Award Ceremony

Display number of PSVA awards


Town Halls.

DataEthics4All town-hall


4 Town Hall Topics

1. The Era of Social Media Disinformation and Polarization (Part I & II)

2. The Impact of Social Media Algorithms on the Live of Young Adults

3. Hate Crimes and The Role of Technology in Minimizing Them

4. The Impact of Technology on Post-Quarantine Social Norms


DataEthics4All Ethics4nextgen AI Summit



AI Summit

Ethics4NextGen AI Summit

30+ Speakers leading rich discussions on:

Data & Inclusion

Impact of AI on society

Social Impact Entrepreneurship

AI in criminal justice and privacy

Building Ethical Technology


Fireside Chats & Panel Discussions Ethics4nextgen
DataEthics4All Hackathon



Our Hackathon Highlights

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

First Hackathon to ever use an AI Algorithm to form cognitive diverse teams

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

First Hackathon ever designed for mixed age teams of Youth + Adults

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

First Hackathon ever designed for non-technical participants’ inclusion

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

First Hackaton to include a rich Bootcamp with Master Workshops to cover AI and Data Science 101

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

First Hackaton to tackle the problem of diversity in AI

DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen Hackathon highlights

250+ Participants from 11 Countries

First Ever Hackathon to tackle topics & social impact challenges such as

Predictive Policing

Criminal Justice

COVID-19 Contact Tracing

AI DIET World.

Display number of events hosted by DataEthics4All


Introducing AI DIET World

A Celebration of Ethics 1st minded

People, Companies and Products

DIET Stands for Data, Diversity, Inclusion, Impact, Ethics, Equity, Teams and Technology

The Premiere B2B Event of the Year!

October 20th-22nd, 2021

Let’s Build a Better AI World Together

All proceeds from this event will support our 5 Million in 5 Years Pledge


AI DIET Career Fair - Day 2

AI DIET Champions - Day 1

AI DIET Solutions Hack - Day 3

Join Us.

DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 85-3148963.

Your donation will:

1. Help provide 100% free scholarships to more economically disadvantaged High School Students across the nation through our STEAM in AI College Prep Program.

2. Help provide paid internships to more economically disadvantaged College Students through our STEAM in AI College Success Program.

3. Help provide stipends to Women+ in Tech with a career gap returning to the workforce through our AI DIET Women+ Returnship Program.

4. Help us bring more Certified Courses and Bootcamps for Career Technical Education (CTE) in AI, Data Science, Ethics, and Computer Programming.



Keep in touch with the latest in Data Ethics, Privacy, Compliance, Governance and Social Corporate Responsibility.