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President, DataEthics4All AI Youth Council

Ronak Agarwal.

Ronak Agarwal, is President emeritus of the DataEthics4All AI Youth Council, is a High School Junior and is the District President for Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for Pasco County, FL. Through school, Ronak has won over $500 in History fair earnings through his diligent research methods at the state level, came third at the National First Lego League (FLL) Robotics Competition, and has competed and won many state and national debate competitions through the Junior State of America (JSA). He was elected as the Fundraising Director for JSA at the Southeast Regional level and the District Parliamentarian for the organization of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for the 2019-2020 school year. Ronak is eager to develop the fields of AI to ensure that social and racial injustice does not occur. He is persistent, especially on specific tasks at hand, with a knack for leadership, organizational, and interpersonal skills. He has an urge to explore new things, especially within the fields of technological innovation. Through his experiences playing Competitive Soccer, he has teamwork experience, and efficiently cooperates with others around him in a positive manner. Ronak looks forward to growing in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, and how it will impact the future generations, especially in terms of social stigmas and the overall application of it. He would like to continue to be apart of the technological era, to make great strides in how technology impacts us in a daily sense.

Youth AI Leader 00%

DataEthics4All AI Youth Council President 00%

District President, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) 00%

STEM Tutor, DataEthics4All Free STEM Tutoring Program 00%

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