Harmonizing Values: How the Ethics 1st AI Score Echoes Biden’s Executive Order for Trustworthy AI
How the Ethics 1st Al Score echoes Mr. President’s Executive Order for Trustworthy Al. Let’s look at the parallels between President Biden’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence and DataEthics4All Foundation’s Ethics
Announcing 10 New Ethics 1st Data + AI Challenges: A Unique Path to Earning Volunteer Hours!
Announcing 10 New Ethics 1st Data + AI Challenges: A Unique Path to Earning Volunteer Hours! DataEthics4All Foundation is thrilled to kick off a brand-new chapter of learning, impact, and ethical exploration with our latest initiative – the Ethics 1st
Upcoming Event: The State of US Privacy & AI Regulation
Want to hear directly from the people shaping the direction of US Privacy & AI Regulation at both the federal and state levels? Shilpi Agarwal and Joe O’murchadha from DataEthics4All are joined by a very exciting panel of professionals to
Press Release: DELETE Act Panel
Press Release: DataEthics4All partners with AIDIET4America, whose mission it is to build America's biggest coalition of public, private, government, academic bodies to come together and share their lived experiences to build a better data and AI world together.