STEAM in AIᵀᴹ Movement
Why do we need STEAM in AIᵀᴹ?.
The mission of DataEthics4All is trifold – raise awareness on the ethical use of the entire end to end data pipeline, break barriers of entry in tech for the economically disadvantaged, people of color, girls, women and raise the next generation of Ethics 1st Champions.
The traditional definition of STEAM includes subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Great linear paths to careers in Artificial Intelligence. But today, there are also nonlinear STEAM Paths that can lead to careers in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
AI is going to be used in every Industry in the future from healthcare to construction and everything in between. Our STEAM in AI movement helps high school students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds the support they need to choose STEAM and AI careers.
Our definition of STEAM also includes Sociology, Technical Education in AI, Ethics, Analytics and Mentoring and we feel that combining the traditional with this new definition of STEAM will bring the much needed STEAM in AIᵀᴹ!!
What is STEAM in AIᵀᴹ?.
DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI is a College Prep Research and Build Program for High School Students that provides Experiential Learning and Career Mentoring by College Students in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and STEAM that they’d perhaps pursue as a career.
STEAM in AIᵀᴹ Impact.
DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI Movement is Paving a Path to Success by Bridging the Data, AI and Ethics Literacy Gap to Raise the next generation of Ethics 1st Tech Champions!!
DataEthics4All is helping high school students explore STEAM and AI Career Pathways, prepare for careers and jobs of the future that don’t exist today to help build an equitable, diverse and inclusive future workforce.
Learn More.
Sign up as a Mentee or Mentor
Interested in recommending your High School Student for a Scholarship? Sign up to be a Partner School.
Interested in bringing paid Mentoring Opportunities for your College Students? Sign up to be a Partner College.
Interested in supporting our STEAM in AI Movement with a Corporate Grant? Sign up to be a Partner Organization.
Sign up as a Partner School, College or Company
DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 85-3148963.
Our National Nonprofit 501(c)(3) DataEthics4All provides Scholarships for the STEAM in AI Program to Students and Families at no cost.
We’re creating a STEAM in AI Alliance to help break barriers of entry in tech for K-20 students from low-income families, minority groups, girls, and help them explore career pathways in STEAM and AI, thereby building an equitable tech pipeline and a diverse future workforce.
We invite all of you to join this alliance and work with us at the city, county, regional, and state levels to bring the STEAM in AI Programs to all students nationwide and around the globe.
Keep in touch with the latest in Data Ethics, Privacy, Compliance, Governance and Social Corporate Responsibility.
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