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STEAM in AI Live: Guest Interest Form

STEAM in AI Live: Guest Interest Form

STEAM in AI Live: Guest Interest Form

Are you a Data Scientist, AI/ ML Engineer, Data Analyst, Coder, Programmer, Marketer, Policy Maker, Entrepreneur?

Does your daily job involve using some kind of Technology?

Do you consider yourself a Technologist?

If Yes, DataEthics4All Foundation would like to invite you to be a Guest on our Brand new Show: STEAM in AI Live

The Objective of this Show is to help our next generation of Professionals, currently High School Students to discover Linear and Nonlinear STEAM Career Pathways through Your STORY!!

We hope that Your Personal Journey as a Technologist, starting from High School to NOW, will help inspire someone to follow your footsteps and perhaps pursue a career in STEAM that they may or may not have thought of.

At the very least, we hope that Your STORY as a Technologist will spark new ideas and enthusiasm in the mind of a young High Schooler to explore STEAM Career Pathways and we may be able to finally build a diverse, inclusive and equitable tech future workforce.

Are YOU ready to share YOUR STORY

And Create Impact?

Please Fill Out this Guest Interest Form

And We’ll Reach out to You

STEAM in AI Live: Guest Interest Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Thank you for doing Your part in Building a Better Data and AI World Together!!