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Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Timnit Gebru.

Timnit Gebru is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, and a PhD Candidate at Stanford University. Timnit is an entrepreneur who loves to work independently and continuously improve my technical skills. She have over 6 years of experience at Apple designing algorithms, analog and digital circuits and working on DSP related projects. She also have software experience through taking AI, machine learning and computer vision classes at Stanford as well as working on various personal projects. DataEthics4All is proud to call Timnit Gebru a DIET Champion 2021 for her work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity in Technology and AI to help the Society.

Black in AI 00%

Algorithm Design 00%

Diversity in Technology 00%

Artificial Intelligence 00%

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