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Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Taurean Dyer.

Taurean Dyer is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021 and a Member of the DataEthics4All Think Tank Community. He is a Technical Product Manager in NVIDIA's AI Infrastructure division and works on the RAPIDS open source project. There, he helps people understand the 'whys' and 'hows' of RAPIDS, as well as use RAPIDS to help others innovate across industry verticals. Taurean is also part of the Leadership Team of the Black NVIDIANs Network (BNN), NVIDIA's Black ERG and was a Mentor for the DataEthics4All Ethics4NextGen AI Hackathon. He loves creating impactful capabilities with new tech that people, businesses, and organizations need to thrive in the near future. DataEthics4All is proud to call Taurean a DIET Champion 2021 for his work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in Technology and Society.

Engineering 00%

Matlab 00%

Python 00%

Artificial Intelligence 00%

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