Steve Nouri is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, Chairman of HackMakers, member of the Forbes Technology Council, ICT Professional of the Year Gold Disruptor, and is a LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 Finalist. Steve is a data science leader who has evolved the way people look at AI and innovations. As an entrepreneur, author, academic and technical manager by profession, he aims to inspire people through the latest technology trends and projects and empowers prospective data scientists through high-quality education and learning materials. He came from humble beginnings as a software engineer and startup founder, and he has worked in different IT roles before joining the Australian Computer Society as the Head of Data Science and AI, and as an AI evangelist has spoken at countless international conferences run by IBM, JP Morgan, CSIRO and AWS. He currently lives in Sydney, Australia, and spends his time sharing technical knowledge with prospective students and advising public policy towards a more sustainable and beneficial understanding of AI and deep tech. DataEthics4All is proud to call Steve Nouri a DIET Champion 2021 for his work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity in Technology and AI to help the Society.