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Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Rebecca Lowell Edwards.

Rebecca Lowell Edwards is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, and is the Chief Communications Officer at ACLU. Rebecca is a creative and authentic communications strategist credited with innovative and transformative approaches for building brand, culture and reputation. Rebecca serves as diversity champion in formal and informal roles. She has developed and led programs with pipeline and promotion objectives. She has implemented unconscious bias training at executive level and across affinity networks to contribute to culture change. Rebecca has created grassroots campaigns to drive culture change in corporate, heavy engineering environments and policy change at the local, state and federal level. DataEthics4All is proud to call Rebecca Lowell Edwards a DIET Champion 2021 for her work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity in Technology and AI to help the Society.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 00%

Civil Rights 00%

Freedom of Speech 00%

Immigrants' Rights 00%

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