Joy Buolamwini is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, the Founder the Algorithmic Justice League, and is on the Global Tech Panel convened by the vice president of European Commission. Joy uses art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence. She founded the Algorithmic Justice League to create a world with more equitable and accountable technology. Joy's MIT thesis methodology uncovered large racial and gender bias in AI services from companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon. Her research has been covered in over 40 countries, and as a renowned international speaker she has championed the need for algorithmic justice at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. On the Global Tech Panel, Joy advises world leaders and technology executives on ways to reduce the harms of A.I. In late 2018 in partnership with the Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology, she launched the Safe Face Pledge, the first agreement of its kind that prohibits the lethal application of facial analysis and recognition technology. DataEthics4All is proud to call Joy Buolamwini a DIET Champion 2021 for her work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity in Technology and AI to help the Society.