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Activation Lead / Ethics & Society at Microsoft

Danielle Cass.

Danielle Cass is a Technology sector engagement and partnership expert with deep contacts across the Silicon Valley technology, innovation, philanthropic, academic and investment communities connecting government and nonprofit sectors. She is a Member of the World Economic Forum Steering Committee for the Ethical Design and Deployment of Technology Project. Danielle was Nominated and chosen for the ``100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics`` 2020 list by Lighthouse3. She is an Innovation Policy specialist who has worked with Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft and Salesforce to develop ethical framework for preventing bias and discrimination in machine learning systems; built a tech ethics community of practice to share best practices and resources for ethics training and implementation, and conducted a research survey of 110 tech ethics practitioners on best practices and tracking impact. Danielle is a Catalyst for impactful initiatives spanning government (White House, U.S. Department of State, Department of Health & Human Services, USAID, NASA, UK National Health Service), private sector (Kaiser Permanente, Google, Intel, Cisco), academia (Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mayo Clinic), and global nonprofits (Amnesty International) She's a Rainmaker who secured $368 million in financial commitments from partners including Google, Microsoft, EY, Skoll Foundation, Silicon Valley Bank, Samsung, Dell, Obvious Ventures, Shell Foundation, and Capria Ventures.

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