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Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, DataEthics4All

Angeles Valenciano.

Angeles Valenciano is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, and the CEO of the National and Global Diversity Council. Angeles is the first female CEO of this major nonprofit. In this role, she continues to advance the NDC’s mission of fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She focuses on strengthening partnerships with businesses, academia and the community at large. Angeles has 20 years of experience in human resources, primarily focused on diversity, organizational change, and development. She was previously president of the Healthcare Diversity Council in addition, she also served as vice president of business development for the Texas Diversity Council, one of the NDC state councils. DataEthics4All is proud to call Angeles Valenciano a DIET Champion 2021 for her work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity to help the Society.

National and Global Diversity Council 00%

Healthcare Diversity Council 00%

Diversity and Inclusion 00%

First Female CEO 00%

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