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Member, DataEthics4All Community

Aishatu Gwadabe.

Aishatu Gwadabe is a DataEthics4All Top 100 DIET Champion 2021, a member of the DataEthics4All Community Think Tank, a Winner of our Inaugural Ethics4NextGen AI Hackathon, a Peace Innovator and is a Responsible Innovation Technologist, along with being a fellow of the global Leading with Artificial Intelligence Lab by the ITC of the ILO. Aishatu creates sustainable platforms for dialogue and conflict transformation together with local civil society organizations. She examines the digital from a social justice and trans disciplinary postcolonial perspective at the intersection of emergent technologies, peace building, art and design thinking. In Aishatu's practice she is particularly driven to work with communities in conflict as well as historically disadvantaged communities in promoting and co-creating more equitability. She is particularly interested in advancing how we can imagine, design, and deploy technologies for a world that is more just, equitable, and secure for all. Aishatu has developed an AI solution for the sustainable development goal 16 to prevent violent conflict between nomadic cattle herders and farmers with Hausa language technology. Her most recent projects explore the development of AI ecosystems that address the needs of African countries. Her aspiration is to build Hausa NLP out into real applications that cater to the needs of Africans on the continent and in the African diaspora. DataEthics4All is proud to call Aishatu Gwadabe a DIET Champion 2021 for her work in Data and Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics and Equity in Technology and AI to help the Society.

Responsible Innovation 00%

Eco-centric Systems 00%

Edutainment 00%

Peace Innovator 00%

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