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Product Overview.

Igebra – What is it?

The mission of {igebra.ai}:math++  is to “Nurture Joyful, SMart & Intelligent kids who can dream more, learn more, do more and become more”

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AI Society

About the Company.

Their team brings 25+ years of education and technology experience with a strong belief that  “math+ data + AI thinking” with {Coding}- art & intelligence supported by “I5 SMart Learning”, a brain reward Learning methodology truly brings great freedom of thinking and joy to kids connecting dots of solutions to worlds toughest problems.

Their passion and purpose is to inspire the curiosity and passion in the minds of kids so that they can be leaders and co-founders of future technology startups with a solid foundation of art & Intelligence – both natural & Artificial.

Other Products.

Igebra.ai is one singular product. The product offers each of the following for your convenience:

Interactive Visual Math: Concept Visualizations make math very easy. Make your kids visualize the Math and experience the true form of Mathematics.

Associated & Reinforcement Learning: Associated & Reinforcement learning improves long-term memory and knowledge retrieval. Also, help kids to connect to the practical problems with data thinking

Context-based Coding of math art patterns: Context-based coding helps kids mixing Coding with Math an important foundation for Machine Learning and Artificial General Intelligence.

Collaborative Storytelling, art & Intelligence Games: Collaborative storytelling builds confidence, leadership, entrepreneurship and helps kids to enhance Creativity and algorithmic/AI thinking which boosts their aspirations and increases the chances of being co-founders of future startups.

Practice Problem Solving: Help kids to improve analytical and problem-solving skills which boost their academic grades and put a foundation for Math Olympiad, SAT, and IIT exams.

Product Screenshots.

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