DataEthics4AI Live
Artificial Intelligence, Diversity and Personalized Data for EdTech With Yonah Welker, Expert at World Economic Forum
The Discussion.
Join Us for The DataEthics4AI Live Event with Yonah Welker, Expert at World Economic Forum on artificial intelligence, diversity and personalized data for EdTech.
- We’ll talk about how to make AI in EdTech ethical?
- How AI and Machine Learning currently drive Neuro Diversity, Diversity, Personalization and Flipping Classroom concepts at school?
- How to pick, collect and analyze student data ethically?
- How to bring ethical personalized and automated experience in education?
The Guest.
Yonah Welker
Yonah is a technology explorer and influencer known for his contribution to making tech and high impact products mainstream. Over his first days up to today, he has explored and tapped over 2000 products and solutions across sectors and segments. In the 2000s he was the founder of HardwareTech – one of the first technology media outlets. Later he led or backed solutions focusing on using data for such challenges as well-being, learning, inclusion, cities, etc.
Yonah’s involvements include ecosystems across the US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, including multilateral organizations (World Economic Forum, European Commission), universities (MIT, Harvard), accelerators, programs and initiatives (Singularity University, MassChallenge, Unreasonable Institute, Alchemist, Ashoka, etc).
If you’re in EdTech and are considering AI for personalization, this is a discussion you do not wanna miss!!
Watch the Replay and continue the conversation in the DataEthics4All Community!
See you at the next DataEthics4All Live!!
Responsible development of Ethics in Data Science.