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WLDA Awards 2022 Shilpi Agarwal

Press Release: Shilpi Agarwal, Founder and CEO of DataEthics4All Foundation Nominated for the Women Leaders in Data And AI Award

We are excited to announce the nomination of our Founder & CEO, Shilpi Agarwal for the Women Leaders in Data & AI (WLDA)

Award 2022.

Shilpi Agarwal_Founder and CEO DataEthics4All Foundation WLDA Finalist

Women Leaders in Data & AI (WLDA) is an exclusive network of Women leaders in Data and AI. 

WLDA is focused on providing a community to share best practices, peer-to-peer learning, and support women leaders in professional and personal growth. 

WLDA is designed for smart ambitious female technology executive leaders who already have a seat at the table, and who are leveraging the WLDA platform to increase their ability to create a ripple effect in their organizations.

The group consists of Women Leaders and male allies from Fortune 1000 companies with similar interests and issues.

WLDA’s Mission is in Bringing Women Leaders in Data and AI Together to Create an Impactful Future.

Since its creation, Women Leaders in Data & AI (WLDA) has been a place to build authentic connections and lifelong relationships that bring members success, learning, and a direction in which to pay it forward.

WLDA logo

“I’m thrilled to be nominated for a Women Leaders in Data & AI (WLDA) Award.  To have been selected from a list of such talented and accomplished Women in AI and Data is humbling and truly an honor. It is wonderful to see so many inspiring women on this list too and to have been nominated from a highly rigorous selection process!

Thank you to our male allies for your support and hope that you can continue to help shine a light on the important work Women Leaders are doing in the AI and Data space.  Together, we will change the world and build a better more equitable, diverse and inclusive future workforce.”

~ Shilpi Agarwal, Founder and CEO, DataEthics4All Foundation