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Press Release: Luis De Mendoza Regional Manager Microsoft TEALS joins the DataEthics4All Board


Press Release: Luis De Mendoza Regional Manager Microsoft TEALS joins the DataEthics4All Board




CONTACT: Shilpi Agarwal

President, DataEthics4All 501(c)(3)

CEO, DataEthics4All Foundation



Luis De Mendoza, Regional Manager, Microsoft TEALS joins DataEthics4All Board.


December 7th, 2021

Thrilled to welcome Luis De Mendoza as our newest Board Member for DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ 501c3 to really help us reach our 5M5Y Goal to bring STEAM in AIᵀᴹ to 5 Million economically disadvantaged kids globally!!

Luis De Mendoza III, of Jacksonville, has served as the Regional Manager of the Microsoft TEALS Program for North Florida since 2020.

During his tenure with the Microsoft TEALS program, Mr. De Mendoza has expanded the footprint of the program into the state of Florida, creating a healthy base of three counties and a dozen schools.

He has made the TEALS program in the region self-sustaining within a year and helped set computer science education policy at the school and district level.

Mr. De Mendoza has shared his experience working in the information technology industry, along with his experience in secondary education, to guide schools and districts into building or growing their computer science programs.

He serves on the Jacksonville Information Technology Council Board in addition to several school technology boards.

Mr. De Mendoza earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Miami and his Masters in Information Technology Management from Colorado State University. He is fluent in English and Spanish but loves to chat in his limited French or Burmese. Mr. De Mendoza is most proud of his wife Shelly and his beautiful daughter, Korra.

We’re so excited to welcome Luis on board and hope to seek his guidance to reach our 5M5Y goal to bring STEAM in AI for youth everywhere and help the underprivileged kids with our 10 Pillars of the program which includes stem tutoring, career guidance, mentoring, essay reviews for college applications, internships, career technical education in AI Ethics, leadership opportunities and the opportunity to earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award: all for free.