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Returning to work with a career gap

Press Release: Founder and CEO of DataEthics4All Foundation to speak at the The Job Forum’s Returning to Work Career Gap Event

We are excited to announce Founder & CEO of DataEthics4All Foundation, Shilpi Agarwal will be on the Expert Panel for the ‘Returning to Work with A Career Gap’ Event by the SF Job Forum in partnership with BAYS!


Join us for Practical tips to address gaps in your career path.

Thursday, Sept 29 @ 6pm on Zoom

If you have been out of work due to illness, care giving, elder care, COVID, or military service your resume and record of work will likely have gaps.

You will want to have the benefit of some extra advice from experts who know what it is like, and you will benefit from a structure to follow to go about Job Searching and Returning to Work as effectively as possible.

There are many uncertainties you may feel and good questions you have. 

Is it Okay to have had the career break you have had? At this career event, you can talk things over and get your questions answered by experts who have the knowledge and want to help you.

Sign up for the Event here

The event is brought to you in partnership with BAYS-MITC (Bay Area Young Survivors – Mets in the City) a non-profit support group organization since 2003.

The Job Forum is the longest running free job search non-profit in the SF Bay Area.


The Job Forum is supported by the Miranda Lux Foundation, by LinkedIn and the SF Chamber of Commerce, by kind individuals, as well as by the volunteers who create and come to events to advise and directly help job hunters. 

Our Founder and CEO, Shilpi Agarwal will be on the expert panel along with other fabulous panelists and they will talk about:

1. Some of the reasons and examples for a gap in a career or work history. Why, smart,
talented people may face this career gap situation?

2. How did the Pandemic factor into the experience of working people needing to “
Call Out ‘ or take a pause or have a gap in employment?

3. Advise on How to frame and respond about a career gap on your resume. Do you put that out front on your resume or bring it up when asked? And How?

4. How to highlight transferrable skills that you’ve acquired in your gap or absence?

5. What do employers want to know
when you have a career or job gap?

6. What are the important qualities employers
are looking for ?
7. What employers and hiring managers might fear about a candidate with a gap…and how you can dispel or address this type of stereotype or concern in the employers?

8. What kinds of things are in the employers minds that job hunters might want to proactively address?

9. How to handle your resume and your LinkedIn profile?

10. What are some mistakes to not make when looking for a job with a career gap ?

11. How to get accustomed to the lingo and the key priorities of today?

12. What programs are there for people who want to return to work with a gap?

13. And more…

Shilpi Agarwal, Founder & CEO of DataEthics4All Foundation, will also talk about our AI DIET Returnship Program, An inclusive program to help Women+ re-enter the Workforce.

Please join us to make your future a bright one!