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dataethics4all partners with open voice network and linux foundation

Press Release: DataEthics4All, Open Voice Network and Linux Partnership

We are proud to announce our new partnership with Open Voice Network and the Linux Foundation!

“Our collaboration with Open Voice Network and the Linux Foundation will enable our community to learn about the important work being done in the Open Voice Technology  space and develop much needed AI and Tech skills. We are excited to bring these resources to our community to raise awareness of the ethical use of Data in Voice Tech.”


~ Shilpi Agarwal, Founder & CEO of DataEthics4All


Open Voice Network is an independently funded non-profit industry association which operates as an open-source association of the Linux Foundation – a non-profit organization enabling mass innovation through open space. In June 2020, Open Voice Network was created as an open-source community of the Linux Foundation with the goal of making voice technology that is worthy of user’s trust.



The work done by Open Voice Network is critical in a time where voice assistants are becoming more and more prevalent as organizations begin to incorporate voice assistants into their business structures, and even begin to develop and design their own voice technology.


Voice assistant technology is emerging as a primary way to access digital worlds and as Open Voice Network recognizes the value of voice data and the amount of information that can be revealed from someone’s voice, they want to ensure that this technology is being trained and applied in ethical ways.



Open Voice Network runs on four main principles which work to ensure that voice assistants are “worthy of user trust, enables user, ecosystem, and architectural choice, “is inclusive and accessible, and is open in software and hardware, serving as foundation for commercial differentiation.”



As organizations are beginning to transition to developing their own voice assistants, Open Voice Network wants to support them by “delivering standards and usage guidelines for voice assistant systems that are trustworthy, inclusive and open.”


Some of the main areas of focus for the Open Voice Network are standards development, industry value, awareness, and advocacy for data privacy. Open voice Network also wants to place focus on data in discussions about voice technology with particular focus on who the data is owned by and who is using the data. 


The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers to code, manage, and scale open technology projects.


The Linux Foundation focuses upon decentralized innovation built on trust and is helping open technology projects build world class open-source software, communities and companies.



The foundation has successfully built 1.15 billion lines of code supporting the most business critical and groundbreaking innovations. Supported 540K developers from the most innovative companies building the future of open technology and have created $54.1Bn total shared value from the collective contributions of the Linux Foundation community.


Linux Foundation works with 19K+ contributing companies across industries bringing open technology to enterprise.



DataEthics4All is delighted to be partnering with Linux Foundation and excited to be able to participate in such a vibrant and growing Open Technology Eco-system and global community!

“The potential impact of voice on industries including commerce, transportation, healthcare and entertainment is staggering…”


~ Mike Dolan, Linux Foundation Senior Vice President and General Manager

Our partnership with Open Voice Network and Linux Foundation will enable our DataEthics4All community and Youth Council to benefit from the very important work being done by both organizations in the Open Technology space.

Here at DataEthics4All we value transparency and commend Open Voice Network and Linux for raising awareness of the need for greater privacy, transparency and trust in Voice technology.



DataEthics4All is always striving to increase its focus on Ethical technological development, so we are excited to partner with Open Voice Network and Linux Foundation who share this value with us.

Contact to learn more.

Written by

I am a Philosophy and AI graduate interning with DataEthics4All Foundation as part of their Content Team to produce updates on current affairs in tech ethics.