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Shilpi Agarwal DataEthics4All Foundation Keynote American Society of Military Comptrollers Data Analytics Conference

Press Release: DataEthics4All Foundation’s CEO to Keynote American Society of Military Comptrollers Upcoming Event

DataEthics4All Foundation’s CEO, Shilpi Agarwal will Keynote American Society of Military Comptrollers Upcoming Data Analytics and Decision Support Conference on October 27th!!

“Honored to be the Closing Keynote Speaker at the American Society of Military Comptrollers‘s upcoming Data Analytics and Decision Support Conference on October 27th!!. In the Closing Keynote, I will be talking about ‘Ethical Considerations in Data Analytics’ – the dangers of using data science without ethical considerations and the long-term advantages of ethical business considerations in earning customer trust and loyalty.

– Shilpi Agarwal


ASMC is the non-profit educational and professional organization for persons, military and civilian, involved in the overall field of military comptrollership.

ASMC was established as the Society of Military Accountants and Statisticians in 1948 in San Antonio, TX, and was open only to active duty officers. Since then, ASMC has expanded to include all DoD and Coast Guard Financial Management personnel. In 1991 the national headquarters was opened in Alexandria, VA, and currently serves a growing professional society of 18,000 members. Military comptrollership is defined as the professions of financial management in the Department of Defense and Coast Guard. It includes the fields of:

• Accounting and Finance
• Administrative Support
• Auditing
• Budgeting
• Comptrollership
• Cost Analysis
• Financial Management
• Management Analysis
• Program Analysis
• Resource Management
• Statistics
• and many supporting activities…

ASMC promotes the education and training of its members, and supports the development and advancement of the profession of military comptrollership. The society sponsors research, provides professional programs to keep members abreast of current issues and encourages the exchange of techniques and approaches.

ASMC’s third annual Data Analytics & Decision Support Virtual Conference is on October 27, 2022.

This event is an opportunity to engage with the Government and Corporate Leaders who will share best practices in data analytics and the decision process as well as PPBE processes at ASMC’s virtual summit.

See how to go beyond the data and create a transformation in your decision-making process by leveraging the data to create operational excellence.

Hear from DoD leaders on strategic goals; as well as current thought leaders that are leveraging critical data to make the most effective and efficient decisions.

This year, American Society of Military Comptrollers annual event has 11 sessions surrounding Data Analytics and Decision Support.

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