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The mission of DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ Foundation is trifold – raise awareness on the ethical use of the entire end to end data pipeline including Artificial Intelligence, break barriers of entry in tech for the economically disadvantaged, people of color, girls, women and raise the next generation of Ethics 1stᵀᴹ Tech Champions!!


STEAM in AIᵀᴹ Movement

Why do we need STEAM in AIᵀᴹ?.

Top Challenges Students face today

1. Students in High School lack STEAM career exploration and Mentoring opportunities.

2. Minorities and communities of color do not have a pathway into the tech sector.

3. They do not have representation or access to a seat at the table.

4. It starts at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

5. Then it branches out to mentoring and networking opportunities throughout college and beyond.

At each level, the problem has multiple layers, but they all have one thing in common: Lack of Access!

Access to STEM knowledge. Access to mentors, peers, and networking opportunities from a dedicated community of leaders willing to invest in their best interests.

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1. According to the Pew Research Center, Black and Hispanic Workers remain underrepresented in the STEM Workforce as low as 5-13% in Engineering roles as compared to White Workers.

2. Representation of Women in Engineering is as low as 15% or in Computer Jobs as low as 25% as compared to Women in health related jobs.

Black and Hispanic workers remain underrepresented in the STEM Workforce today

1. 52-60% of U.S. Adults say the main reason that many young don’t pursue college degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics is because they think these subjects are too hard.

2. Among those who were ever somewhat interested in a STEM career say they didn’t pursue a career or a job in science, technology, engineering or math due to cost and time, perceived obstacles due to gender, no female mentors.

Half of Americans don't pursue STEM degrees because of the difficulty of the subjects

The Solution.

A multi-pathway program to break barriers and promote cognitive diversity through peer to peer support with a bottoms-up approach from classroom to conferences that provides Education, Mentoring, Global Peer Network from high school to early/mid-career professionals.

A Solution that provides Representation, Accessibility and is Affordable for All.

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Introducing STEAM in AIᵀᴹ.

DataEthics4All Foundation’s STEAM in AI Movement helps High School Students explore linear and nonlinear STEAM and AI Career Paths even if Math, Science and Coding are not their biggest passions.

STEAM in AI Movement: The Trifecta Impact

An effort to provide Representation, Accessibility, Cost Effective STEAM Education for All including Girls, People of Color and the Economically Disadvantaged Students.

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STEAM in AI Movement brings Trifecta Impact with

1. Clubs and Chapters

Students in High School interested in tech leadership and creating an impact can Start a STEAM in AI Club at their High School or a Chapter in their Region.

2. Community

A Community of Data and AI Global Leaders and Professionals from 55 Countries.

3. College Prep Program

DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ’s STEAM in AIᵀᴹ College Prep Research and Buildᵀᴹ Program helps provide Experiential Learning and Career Mentoring to High School Students by Ph.D. & College Students in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and STEAM that they’d perhaps pursue as a career.

STEAM in AI Clubs and Chapters

1. AI Youth Council

Club and Chapter Officers get a seat on the DataEthics4All’s AI Youth Council.

The DataEthics4All’s AI Youth Council is the World’s first Council focused on AI and Tech Ethics for Youth Leaders.

All Global Members of STEAM in AI Clubs and Chapters are invited to join the Global AI Youth Squad.

2. Ethics 1st Institute

All Members get access to DataEthics4All’s Ethics 1st Institute that hosts live and on demand STEAM in AI Courses available for Certification.

Courses are focused on Topics such as Intro to Data, Ethics and AI and Tech impact on Youth.

3. Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

DataEthics4All Foundation is a PVSA Certifying Organization.

STEAM in AI Club/ Chapter Officers and Members can earn volunteer hours towards the PVSA for their Community Service.

Clubs can host Datathons, Hackathons, Town Halls, AI Ethics Bowls, Career Events and discussion on our Course topics, Policy and current affairs.

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DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI Community

1. Network with Peers around the Globe

DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI Community provides opportunity for Students to network with peer High School Students across the Globe.

Private Groups such as the AI Youth Council and the Global AI Youth Squad within our Community allows Club and Chapter Officers as well as Members to meet and interact with other Youth Leaders and Members across the World. 

2. Network with Data and AI Leaders across the Globe

Our Community Platform enables members to send a private message to any member without restriction. So, a high school student could reach out to a C-Suite and get career advice.

Students can invite a college student or a Data Professional for a 1:1 Mentoring Session.

3. Become an Ethics 1st Tech Champion

Students can participate in the DataEthics4All Events such as Bootcamps, LinkedIn Lives, Summits, Town Halls, Hackathons, Career Fairs, Job Board to become Ethics 1st Tech Champions.

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DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI College Prep Program

DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ’s STEAM in AIᵀᴹ College Prep Research and Buildᵀᴹ Program helps provide Experiential Learning and Career Mentoring to High School Students by Ph.D. & College Students in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and STEAM that they’d perhaps pursue as a career.

1. 1:1 Matched Mentoring in STEAM and AI

DataEthics4All matches High School Students with a College Student based on their interest.

Students get an opportunity to build a life long mentor mentee relationship through these 1:1 Mentoring experiences.

2. Career Exploration through Experiential Learning

Students get to explore STEAM and AI career paths even if Science, Maths and Coding are not their top passions.

Increases the chances of students choosing a high paying STEAM career.

3. Better Story for College Applications

Our STEAM in AI College Prep Program facilitates learning through an actual Research or a Building Project.

Through experiential learning, students have an opportunity to articulate a better story that conveys their research or project challenges/ and achievements.

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STEAM in AI Data Science and AI Research and Build Program

Our Definition.

The traditional definition of STEAM includes subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Great linear paths to careers in Artificial Intelligence. But today, there are also nonlinear STEAM Paths that can lead to careers in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

AI is going to be used in every Industry in the future from healthcare to construction and everything in between. Our STEAM in AI movement helps high school students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds the support they need to choose STEAM and AI careers.

Our definition of STEAM also includes Sociology, Technical Education in AI, Ethics, Analytics and Mentoring and we feel that combining the traditional with this new definition of STEAM will bring the much needed STEAM in AIᵀᴹ!!

STEAM in AIᵀᴹ Impact.

DataEthics4All’s STEAM in AI Movement is Paving a Path to Success by Bridging the Data, AI and Ethics Literacy Gap to Raise the next generation of Ethics 1st Tech Champions!!

DataEthics4All is helping high school students explore STEAM and AI Career Pathways, prepare for careers and jobs of the future that don’t exist today to help build an equitable, diverse and inclusive future workforce.

Aligned with United Nation’s 8 Sustainability Development Goals.

United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 1 No Poverty
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 2 Zero Hunger
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 3 Good Health and Well Being
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender Equality
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities
United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

Learn More.

Sign up as a Mentee or Mentor

Interested in recommending your High School Student for a Scholarship? Sign up to be a Partner School.

Interested in bringing paid Mentoring Opportunities for your College Students? Sign up to be a Partner College.

Interested in supporting our STEAM in AI Movement with a Corporate Grant? Sign up to be a Partner Organization.

Sign up as a Partner School, College or Company


DataEthics4Allᵀᴹ is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 85-3148963.

Our National Nonprofit 501(c)(3) DataEthics4All provides Scholarships for the STEAM in AI Program to Students and Families at no cost.



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